Car Tips – How to treat Your Drive Shaft Boots

Never underestimate drive shaft boots maintenance to your car. Watch and listen when you taking your car in a turn, are there knocking noisy sounds around your front wheels ? if the answer is Yes then you should probably prepare to cut some of your daily budget for this. The sounds itself were a signs if there will be a problem to your drive shaft and if you keep ignoring them then it wouldn’t be possible that you will have to spend more to replace the parts.
Before it happen do a routine check and maintenance to your steering system. Do a routine check also to your drive shaft boots (rubber than protect the drive shaft), replace the boots with a new one if you find the boots isn’t in a good conditions (rip apart, holes or loose).

Why Drive Shaft Boots Needed to Maintenance ?

Early inspection and maintenance regarding the boots could avoid you from a serious damage on the drive shaft itself. The reason is obvious because the boots itself are function as the grease quality and quantity control on the drive shaft. Grease is really important considering the intense function when the drive shaft works and frictions to each other. If the boots rip then obviously the grease would slowly run out or get dirty because the dirt’s that came from outside through the rip sections.
The knocking noisy sounds itself heard because the dirt’s came and the grease run out make the drive shaft frictions without any media between them and become worn out. The worn out was the cause of the imprecision and knocking noisy sounds when you turn.
The result wasn’t also only a sound but could be worst. Some unlucky driver was having their wheel hub broken because they never pay attention and check the drive shaft boots.
So, next time you heard a knocking sounds when you turn your car please check it to make sure that your drive shaft and boots are in a good conditions. You could also have a routine and schedule check every 6500 miles. If there are several signs that your boots need to be replace you better did it soon and don’t forget to replace with the original one.
Drive safely Guys.

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